Friday, November 3, 2017

Open2 Engine: Bookworm - part 4 - Odds and Ends

    So I managed to get the first major component of Bookworm up and running, the ability to open text documents and dynamically show the contents.  Then I added the ability to save and open notes.  I'm happy about the progress, but this is just the beginning of what all I want to do.  The next major feature I am going to add is the ability to create/ edit documents (and I needed to be able to open, display and save a document in the first place) - however, before I get to that there are a few little things I want to fix (also because exactly how to add my next feature has been giving me a headache :).

Adding a "splash screen"
    In case you hadn't heard the term somehow, a 'splash screen' is the screen you see before a program loads.  It's usually small, and nothing more than the program's logo and maybe a progress bar.  I want to add one, well, something like it at least, to Bookworm.  Why, after all this is not a very complicated program?  Well, since I'm using jQuery UI for my styling I layout everything in HTML and then run some JavaScript to format it all.  This is causes a moment when the page loads and the text isn't styled.  I got some screenshots of it...

     This really bugs me, I don't like having that transition.  So what I'm going to do is set the "load" div to hidden and add another div that will be the only visible "splash screen" that won't have an UI elements that need styling.  This way jQuery UI can do it's stuff behind the scenes.  So I'm adding a <div> and setting the <div> for the tabs/ main body to hidden.  Then, I need to show it when everything loaded, so I'll add a line to the function that loads the UI elements to show them when finished.
    I started playing with GitHub to learn about version tracking, so you can see a little green bar in the screenshots where I added new code...

 This was easy enough, and seemed like a simple idea, but it didn't quite turn out how I expected...

 The tabs section is weirdly truncated, and I had trouble before getting the height right for some reason, looks like I've still got problems.  Hmmm.... So how to fix that?
    Well, it was actually pretty easy, I just removed what I had done before.  I had set a min-height for the tabs div, which I deleted and everything worked perfectly after that.  Okay, so I made the problem myself :)  At least it was an easy fix.  I did add one new thing, I added a 50px margin-bottom to the main <body> element.  That's because I like how the button to "Load Another Document" is at the bottom of the screen and had the border for the tabs div running through it.  It's a silly little stylistic thing, but it's hard to see at the bottom of the screen.  Which is hard to describe, so here's a before and after set of screenshots...

     Right now I'm keeping the "splash screen"/ header at the top of the page.  It is kind of nice to have the program's name always visible, but I'm not sure if I want it to be or not.  Until I decide I'll leave it the way it is.

Disabling the Save Notes button
    Something you can see in the screenshots above is how the "Save Notes to File" button is enabled even though no notes have been loaded.  It seems silly to save a blank file as notes, so I want to set that button to be disabled at startup and have the function that loads the notes enable it.  I made that button in plain HTML and while I can change it's state in HTML I think I'm going to go ahead and make it a jQuery UI button instead, and add a little icon of a floppy disk to it.  I like working with jQuery and jQuery UI to learn how they work, it might even be easier to do a lot of this in plain HTML/ CSS (the tabs, accordion and buttons) but I'm going to focus on doing as much as I can with jQuery UI.  I can always re-write it later, which would be another learning experience :)
    So, I'm going to add the button, it's icon and set it to disabled in the function that loads the UI elements...

     Then it's a line in the function that loads a notes file to enable the save button...

    And here's how it looks...

    While I'm at it, why not change the "Load Another Document" button as well?

     Changing the file load buttons is trickier.  They are kind of special, since they interface with the operating system.  Turning them into a jQuery UI button just looks weird... for now I'll leave those alone.  I'm thinking I can just hide them with "display:hidden", put a jQuery button there and when the jQuery button is clicked have JavaScript call the hidden file button's event handler.  That might work.  Thing is, while I'm not fond of having different kinds of buttons I also like how they display the filename, which would mean making my own label as well.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this right now.  It's another thing that I'm not fond of but also doesn't bother me that much.

The Textarea Width
    This has bugged me, I set the "cols" attribute on the <textarea> just following what I was reading at the time - but I don't like how it's not the full width of the screen.  So I'm changing that to be 95% width in CSS.  Looks better now.

Light and Dark Themes
    While I'm in CSS there's one last thing I'm going to change right now.  By default everything's black text on a white page, which is fine but I do sometimes like to read in the dark (I know it's bad for my eyes).  So I want to make a dark and light themes that can be changed.  To do this I'm going to make a new tab called "settings" and put some buttons that will change a CSS class on the <body> element (which everything should inherit from).
    So I need to do a few things.  First I need to add a new section to the tabs widget for the settings.  Then I need to add some buttons.  The easiest way I can think of to switch themes is to use jQuery's "toggleClass" method, which will take a list of classes (in this case "light" and "dark") and will then remove the class already there and add the class not there.  I could make an if-then block for each, but this is easier.  Then I also need to add the classes to the CSS stylesheet, and the new settings theme buttons to the jQuery UI setup function, with the "light" button disabled to start (since that'll be the default style).  Which led to some typing and then this...

So... I forgot that my simple "toggleClass" didn't change the light button to be enabled.  I also didn't realize the jQuery UI widgets wouldn't inherit from the <body>'s style.  Okay... mistakes were made...  I did want to add the ability to change the style of the jQuery UI buttons, to have something like green instead of the default blue.  So apparently I need to look at how to change all that styling...

    Which I am going to do later.  Right now I'm out of my time to work on this, so I'll pick it up from here for next week.  I've got the updated file (somewhat broken as it currently is :) that you can download here.  Until next week!

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